An Effortless Way to Gain the Physical and Mental Benefits of Deep Meditation
Discovered in the 1950s at the National Institute of Mental Health and popularized as a therapy in the 1970's, floatation therapy (also known as sensory deprivation) removes all stimulation to your senses in order to trigger a deep relaxation response. This is done through various float environments, such as float pods , tanks, and open float rooms. These environments are designed to keep out all light and sound as the client floats like a cork in a hyper-salinated solution of magnesium sulfate (Epsom Salts). The only thing you may hear is your heart beating. After 30-40 minutes in this perfect dark, you will find yourself thinking one thought at a time accompanied with a mental and physical calm much like the calm you experience when you first wake up out of a restful sleep. A highly-effective truly unique experience.