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The Rise Above
Float Ambassador Club

Membership - $195 every three months

What Being A Rise Above Float Ambassador Brings

  • You have people in your circle of influence that you want to share the virtues of floating with and by joining the Rise Above Float Ambassador Club, you will not only be rewarded for your efforts but we'll make it easy for you to refer them with a Personalized Outreach Package including: 

    • A social media template package with your own reward code attached. All you need to do is cut and paste! Everyone who uses that reward code gets a big discount off of their first float and brings you big rewards.

    • A personalized email template to send to your customer list or your friend and family network.

    • Rise Above Referral Cards to Give to People In Person.

    • A Float Therapy info sheet to give you all the important information about the value and benefits of floating.

  • You receive Two 60-Minute Floats and One 90-Minute Float ($310 value) every three months.

  • Every referral that comes in takes $10 off your next membership charge! Additionally, for every three referrals, you a FREE 60-minute float.

  • Float Club Membership is $195 that is renewed every three months.

"Why doesn't everyone know about this?"

"This is what the world needs."

"I know so many people that need this."

These are statements we hear every week at Rise Above Floatation after people float for the first time.

Floatation therapy is still relatively unknown to most people and because the float session is an internal experience, there's no way to show someone what happens with just a picture.


The best way to communicate the value of the float tank is through the description of an individual's personal experience. 

Why Does the World Need Floating?

When clients experience total access to the power of their focus in a float session, amazing things tend to happen.

They may capture the moment of enlightenment or see a spark of realization. Such moments only need to happen once to change the course of a person's life for the better.

Personal change always comes controlling where one puts their attention and the float tank allows the person to harness the ability to cultivate the right kind of work on themselves. Positive thoughts are created and allowed to flourish. Negative thoughts are able to be engaged without the accompanying emotions that may usually prevent one from engaging them. Meditation can achieve the same thing but meditation is a skill that can be difficult for many and results may take a long time to achieve whereas Floating is effortless and can produce both immediate and long-term benefits. 

Postive Thoughts > Positive Emotions > Positive Action

Can you think of someone in their life who could benefit from accessing their own thoughts without emotions? Would the members of our bureaucracies and heads of corporations be able to transcend their short-term goals with enough silent contemplation?

Why We Need Float Ambassadors

Are you someone who believes that floating is good for society and the individual? Do you want to use your personal experience to spread the benefits of floatation therapy?

Join our a Float Ambassador Club and become an advocate for the virtues of one's quiet center!

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